Dear Costumers,

We are all going through a difficult time. We hope you are well, at home, discovering new hobbies and caring for one another.
This shock, in addition to the concern about the threat to our health, also affects our jobs. Mostly freelancers and small local shops.

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Calpa Barcelona is an artisan leather goods company located in the heart of Barcelona. Most of our items are designed by us and manufactured by small artisan workshops nearby. We are a small business, and we need you.

While you can’t go outside, think about what shops and businesses you would like to find in your neighborhoods when you can take a walk again. It is up to you to help the local small business as well. 


From Calpa we will continue to work to give you the best service and also that you can continue to receive our products in the best conditions. Our website is still operational and we will offer efficient customer service online.

We will handle the shipping and delivery time in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO and the Ministry of Health. 

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We know our products are not essential, but our only source of revenue right now is the website. Each order helps local businesses to survive this crisis.

Thank you so much,

Calpa Barcelona 

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